Looming Lithium Supply Bottlenecks Threaten EV Industry

2 years ago

Governments are pushing a green, "clean" future where electric vehicles will replace internal combustion engine vehicles as soon as they can manage. This means more battery production which means more lithium needs to be mined.

The problem with this is that there is simply not enough lithium to meet the coming demand. As always happens with central planning, this misallocation of resources will result in skyrocketing prices as more companies are forced to buy up the limited supply of lithium.


00:00 Intro
00:29 Sri Lanka's War on Food
01:55 The West's War on Fuel
03:44 The Move from ICE to EV
04:39 Not Enough Lithium
06:07 Lithium Prices to Keep Increasing
07:45 Lithium Miners Positioned Well
09:28 Track Record and Future Prospects

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#EVIndustry #WaronFuel #LithiumSupply

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