Jude 17-19 | GUARDING AGAINST HERESY | 12/11/2022

2 years ago

Lesson begins around 35:00

How much is too much? As we see even governments encroaching into the Church, at which point do the saints stand in protest? What should this protest look like? Likewise, apostate teachers are called raping the Church today. How must the church contend with the faith?

Join us as we learn about the obligation of the true Church of Christ in these end times.

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash
#Jesus #Church #CalvaryChapelMissionValley #CalvaryChapel #endtimes #Jude #apostacy #newapostolicreformation #preachers #hillsong #bethelchurch #jesusculture #mormonism #watchtower #newapostolicreformation

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