July 7, 2017 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... The ruling Elite can do nothing without MY Permission

2 years ago

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The ruling Elite can do nothing without MY Permission

July 7, 2017 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “There are many preparations for war being made, but they will not be completed anytime soon. Your whole armed services must be revamped, re-dedicated, healed and restored. This process is underway but is lengthy and takes time. They are in no position right now to launch an aggressive attack. So, they are biding their time and rebuilding.

“Nevertheless, the threat of war is always present. What I need you and all Heartdwellers to understand is that nothing happens without My permission and as long as you are all praying and living a life-style of carrying your cross with thanksgiving, I will not give the word.

“Many follow the news and then imagine I am talking to them - when in fact it is in their own heads. That is why internet prophets seem to have the same message. It is a group consciousness, based on what they are fed through the news, even the resistance news. It should be, but is not obvious to most, that excitement attracts listeners, who want to continue to hear the excitement—so they support these channels.

“Heartdwellers, I want to be your 'channel'. I want you to come out of your prayer closets with a “knowing” of what is going to happen and what is not going to happen. But instead of that, many of you still follow the exciting newsy channels that stir your emotions and give you hope that I’m coming tomorrow. Don’t you see what a waste of time this is?

“What I want you to be excited about is your gift, its cultivation and the impact on the lost. That’s what truly is exciting to Me. Intercession is tremendously exciting to Me. And also why I have My Divine finger in the dyke, holding back what the ruling elite have planned to carry out. They cannot carry it out without My permission and if you are pressing into Me in prayer and intercession, you will come out of prayer with this sense and the inspiration to move forward with your particular gift, rather than to postpone or tread water waiting for the war to start.

“Well, I know you are tired of Me saying this, but in this particular moment, it needed to be said. Press into Me while you are waiting for that day. Let Me dance with you, hold you and empower you with inspiration. How I love you! How I wish the day were closer. But there are still many souls ripe for conversion. Come to Me praying, resting and expecting to be renewed. Graces to overcome old problems and setbacks are being released. There is excitement within the Body of Believers that truly has their finger on My pulse. The gifts are multiplying.

“Those who have been faithful and persevering in the little things will be given more. Barriers are being overcome with grace and I am rewarding My faithful ones. Do not expect this to come with a free ticket. There will still be challenges and opposition. You are targets more than ever now, because you have blasted through the enemies’ defenses and taken ground through My anointing.

“You will have struggles but you are more equipped now than ever to resist evil and continue on with My blessing. Continue to build with one hand and wield the sword with the other. Where there is great spiritual treasure, there is great spiritual opposition and plans to steal it. Therefore, remain vigilant and stand your ground as you pass on higher and higher in your callings.”

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