You Are Not Alone – Psalm 37:28-30

2 years ago

Thank you that you will never leave us. Help us to walk justly and humbly before you. Help us to continue seeking you and see this promised inheritance sooner rather than later. We are desperate, Oh God. Things cannot continue as they have been, we look to you to solve these problems on our behalf, bring forth justice, your justice, on the earth, now. Help us to be the kind of counselors that are worth listening to. Give us the wisdom and insight to help people see the way out of their problems. Help us to solve our own problems as well. Give us the courage to walk in wisdom, now.
In Jesus’ name,

Psalm 37:28-30 (TPT)
The Lord loves it when he sees us walking in his justice.
He will never desert his devoted lovers;
they will be kept forever in his faithful care,
but the descendants of the wicked will be banished.
The faithful lovers of God will inherit the earth
and enjoy every promise of God’s care,
dwelling in peace forever.
God-lovers make the best counselors.
Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.

What is God’s justice? Walking in ways that reflect Torah. Operating in love towards one another, rather than prideful insistence that each one of us is better than the rest. This is easier said than done, surely, but is certainly doable. The call here is to genuinely love and prefer others, rather than choosing the seemingly easier path of self-centeredness and self-gratification. The call is to forsake what the flesh would desire, other than self-care, as we cannot give what we do not possess. God will stay near to us as we closely follow Him and His ways. How do we show that we love Him? Loving our fellow image-bearers, choosing to serve them as though they were the Lord Himself. We pray to be intimate with Him, to hear His heart for us and those around us, to get wisdom, direction, and provision to do the things that He places before us to do. That could be as simple as being present with your family, or it could be much “bigger” in terms of scope.

We will see the descendants of the wicked banished from the land. What does this mean, in this profoundly un-rooted age? Those who have been pulling the levers of power and have intentionally destroyed many millions of lives over the last 1000 years will cease to have any power, and their bloodlines may even be completely eliminated from the earth. This will all happen soon (or so I have to keep telling myself to stay sane and hopeful).

If we are faithful lovers of God, He will insure that we will receive all of those things that the wicked have laid up for themselves and their progeny, and we will not have to attack these people at all.

As lovers of God, with the wisdom that comes from that ongoing series of choices, we can become great counselors, as God’s wisdom is greater and higher than any human wisdom, so we can give answers and solutions that no one who is not of God can. What is Biblical wisdom? It begins with the humble fear of the Lord. This is not us cowering whenever we think of Him, or living in fear of the smiting that should be ours by right, but it is respect and honor. The fear of the Lord that we are talking about here is simply choosing to align ourselves with Him and His ways, honoring Him by loving one another, as Love fulfills the law. Humility, well, I’ve talked about that recently, but it is an accurate concept of who you are in relation to Him. You are His beloved child, if you have surrendered to Him and sworn allegiance to Jesus as your Lord. This gives us a certain swagger, but not pride. It is a confidence because you know that you are right with Him and are walking in His ways, but when you veer off course, you are correctable. That is humility. Put those things together, and you have a person who honors God and knows who they are in relation to Him because they are in relationship, living, dynamic give & take relationship with the Source of All things and All wisdom. This is the foundation of wisdom. Perhaps after I finish this series in Psalm 37, I will crack open Proverbs and start walking through wisdom and folly with you. What do you guys think about that?

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