2023 Pluto Transit: Crisis, Deep Urges, and Transformations (8.13)

2 years ago

In 2023, the planet Pluto will move into the sign of Aquarius. The energy shift will stay more permanent in 2024. Pluto is in Capricorn now and has been since 2008. Governments, tech giants, politicians, corporations, etc. have been scambling over power. Even the 2020 THING was a power grab. We are headed into Aquarius where power lies nore in the hands of the people. Although this is so, your life will be transformed in a very specific aquarian way. I explain, talk about, and discuss it through illustrations, person stories, predictions, and more. This will last til 2044 and is some very powerful energy. Don't be the one to not know what is going on.
For an interesting and entertaining story about my 12th house experience in regards international travel and romance, check out my book on Amazon: Love, Lust & Borders (link below)

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