In Loving Memory List of Vets that misdiagnosed him and gave him wrong meds listed below 19 vets

2 years ago

Following Vets to be Blacklisted - College of Vet case not heard , 465 pages submitted in evidence. Case vanished .

Blacklist Vets and Businesses
DR Doughla Riddle
DR Tracey To
Dr Ana Avellaneda Espana
Dr Andrew Barker
Dr Micheal Ethier
Dr vladimir Stojanovic
DR Sumin Lee
Dr Michal Hazenfratz
Dr Maria Dolores Porcel Sanchez
Dr Stefanie Baer
Dr danielle Redhill ****
Dr Leslie Ridley

Black List
Guelph Animal Hospital OVC HSC
Golf Glen vet
Sherborne Animal hospital
Toronto vet Emergency Animal Hospital
VCA Canada 404 vet emerg
Abbotsford Animal hospital
Animal hospital of oakridges
(BLACKLIST 100% Tornto Animal Heaalth Partners Emergency)

Sinve the colleg of Vet review board is corrupt . Went through 3 investigators who all passed it on and didnt want to deal with it.

Case vanished with no resolve no answers nothing


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