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2 years ago

๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ Ancient Truth of ELOHIM โค๏ธ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒฟ taught by the END TIME MESSENGER of ELOHIM - Seraphim Samuel๐Ÿฆ๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ”‘๐Ÿ”:

Millions still believe that Atlantis is some ancient city that sunk under the ocean. They do not realise that they are being lied about this too.

The TRUTH has already been revealed by ELOHIM'S Chosen End Time Messenger, Seraphim Samuel/Archamgel Abbadiel - The Angel of Mercy & Judgement / The 5th Angel of the End Time Apocalypse, that we are living in Atlantis.

People need to realise quickly, that the lies they have been told, runs much much deeper than they think, like the rabbit hole.

Only Archangel Abbadiel/Seraphim Samuel can take us down to the bottom of that rabbit hole, to make us understand, how greatly we have all been poisoned & decieved with all kinds of lies & we need to come out of it all & seek THE TRUE ETERNAL CREATORS of the Universe & Atlantis & LEARN THEIR ANCIENT TRUTH, from THEIR MESSENGER, to be able to see everything clearly.

Archangel Abbadiel/Seraphim Samuel๐Ÿฆ๐ŸŒพ teaches us the Divine Ways & the Divine Will of ELOHIM - The Holy of Holies/ our ETERNAL CREATORS. He teaches us the way, how things are realy run & done by our ETERNAL DIVINE HOLY CREATORS.
ELOHIM'S WAYS are much higher than the ways of men, thats why most cannot understand the things happening here all across Atlantis/Earth, in these End Times.
The Messenger of ELOHIM does not teach us, from the perspective of men, or from the persepective of science, or from the perspective of USGS, Uwiseismic & all weather fraudsters. He teaches us way above science & way above from the persepectives of those, who do not want to seek ELOHIM & THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The Messenger of ELOHIM teaches us exactly as it was taught to him, by ELOHIM - The way how the foundations are laid, the divine drafts are made, the divine drawings are illustrated, etc... everything he teaches us, comes from the THRONE ROOM OF HEAVEN.

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