Deep Sleep | Root Chakra | Binaural Beats | Black Screen | 432Hz

2 years ago

This Deep Sleep Root Chakra Phi Balancing music, is the original sleep music recording from the previous Root Chakra version, now 8 hours over a black screen. At the request of many viewers with insomnia, this version features 8 Hours of Phi Balanced music with Binaural Beat Theta Waves, (4Hz).
This combination will lull you into a hypnogogic state where the frequencies of the Muladhara, "Root Chakra", will be toroidal balanced through the sympathetic resonance of our Phi Balanced method to The Golden Ratio perfection, creating the ideal conditions for R.E.M. and lucid dreaming experiences.

This Root Chakra is the mind center helping to regulate our sense of personal identity and security. This program is designed to heal fears and anxieties associated with the root chakra, and align you with security and stability, and giving you the courage to receive unconditional love. Balancing this Root Chakra will provide you with instant stress relief and give you the most relaxation and deepest sleep possible.

At the end of eight hours, this video will gently wake you up to an ocean sunrise, and with messages of love and gratitude to start your day.

Phi Tribe
It's Deeper Than You Think.

Composed Produced and Mixed by FORD
FordProductions, Atlanta

Video created by Ford

Phi Tribe is your exclusive source for all music using this balanced tuning, with an entire catalog of music created in 432Hz and utilizing Phi Tuning methods to suit any mood or activity.

Released by Phi Tribe Entertainment

For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube

For all music licensing inquiries contact our A&R at

And for more great #432Hz music, please subscribe to the Phi Tribe YouTube Channel.

IG: @phitribe369


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