Nanoparticles Polluting Vaccines - Feb 24, 2018 & New Study Pollutants in Human Plasma - Dec 1, 2022

2 years ago

James Lyons-Weiler - Dec 5, 2022

Does everyone remember Drs. Gatti and Montanari? We flew them in from Italy in 2017 to the IPAK Vaccine Safety Conference in Pittsburgh, PA?

24 feb 2018 - Two Italian researchers have found nano-particles are polluting almost all vaccines. The small size of these particles allow them to enter our cells and have a permanent inflammatory effect. Mrs Gatti was about to testify in parliament inquiry on vaccine damages of Italian military courses but both researches have been raided by police and all their material has been taken away.

European Medicines Agency Confirmed Gatti and Montanari Findings Last Year in BMJ Attack


Pollutants in Human Plasma Found via Double-Filtration Plasmapheresis Plasma Exchange

Studies in toxicology usually study urine, feces, and other secretions and measure indirectly. Dr. Gatti, whose lab was raided for reporting detection of nanoparticles in vaccines, has a new study.

The new study, by Dr. Gatti and Dr. Felix Scholkmann, is entitled:
Particles in the Eluate from Double Filtration Plasmapheresis — A Case Study Using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy/ Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy

By using plasmapheresis, they found
“aflatoxin B1, chromium, lead, cadmium, arsenic, lindane, cobalt, polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbons, disulfoton and aluminium (listed in descending concentration).”


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