December 11, 2022

2 years ago

Excess Deaths Rise in 2022 as Covid Injections were Forced on people who didn’t know better.

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Then I thought of this song
We haven't had this spirit from 1969
Remember hotel California?
Synchronicity is key.
Everything is in the music.
Can't you see?

Look at the symbol of UN, pope ,medicine etc
See the snake on the pole?

The blame game has been shown to me.
The energy is returned to blamers.

It is not what they say it is
It's what you believe it is!
That's clear to me
More and more
People say it coming tomorrow
I say, not going to happen
And it doesn't happen

We can make a bad man good
If we truly believe.
We are that powerful!
Elon musk?
I decided, 4 months ago
To make him the change
Big risk.
But, have you been following?

Elon is just a tool.....take the service he provides and keep it moving.
He gives the message even though he double speaks.....the message is there for those who can receive.

I see all these things my dear but I was to remain in the space I am.

When we all know
We are IS-BEs
We know, it's minipulations from the them that caused us to fall

Elon is not who most people think he is
[12/10, 09:46] Sandi: Those who can see and know are to keep the light of love bright.
We were never to be part of the BS

In trying to redeem himself, he helps take the them down
In the end. Some will give him power, I won't.
No body gets my power.
They will all try to redeem themselves
They will self distructed

That's the plan
Enjoy the movie

Yes, u are right....that is exactly what it is

The jackals and the leopards will destroy each other and the snakes will exit

Who was sending u the game story?

That's what is happening

I had the vision earlier un the was so vivid!!!

Tell me
I enjoy movies.
Our own

In the vision the wicked energies depicted as snakes had the flesh people cornered and if they tried to move they were faced with the bite of death, those who did not fear but held their position got help in the form of a great energy, seemed like 2 Angels.
With the appearance of the Angels came the Jackals and the Leopard looking animals to destroy and further intimidate the flesh people but with a great stirring the angels made them turn on each other.
They were wounded and took the fight elsewhere....seemed they were destroying each other and the snakes exitted!!! The people were then free to move about.

That's what is happening.
But the angles are angels because they have no doubt
They know they are
That's the mission

All this religion, hurting them.
We will find out
We created the limitations ourselves through minipulations

Yeah through lack of knowing

That's why I say
Have no gods
Before you
Above you
Below you.

Seems like a passage of return though.....most people want experiences to make them feel whole.
In seeking these experiences some forget that they are already whole, nothing is missing.

Anything you go seeking and make a part of your life is your God, is your religion.
So seek first the kingdom of God.

Better to say
Your story
Not his story

I think even Anunaki was hijacked

Let them all go.

We just need to know
We were tricked to be lie live
be lie ev il

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