...and if you don't self-destruct, start doing stand up (an ag story)

2 years ago

i keep rubbing my mouth like i just did sumin weird
i know this is terrible
i keep forgetting that this is just improvising and i need to stop thinking that it's anything else
i do feel better than when i started
better than i was at that that time
that's what it is...comedy is taking risks
you don't know the result then it's pretty nerve wracking
so very self-destructive, i need an outlet that's not totally unhealthy
i'd drink anything and do anything for a drink
i'd steal anything just to say i stole it
i couldn't tell people that i was shoplifting
i can't be honest about stealing, what a weird ass thing
what potential exactly but that might not be the point
that's life for ya aint it
it's okay when you prove that you're just human
always experienced everything pretty intensely
i get sick of me, but i do love being alone
that's why i smoke weed, it's better than killing myself
i have thought about this and felt bad
good place, Righteous Judgment, promise
you gotta at least know that you're addicted to sumin
it's possession, this comforted me perhaps more than it should have
if i'm chill it's cos of the leaves (them green thingies)
i take breaks from pot...it's literally part of my mind
every schizophrenic is a walking cannabis plant
future weed strains devoted to schizos
i hope i don't get kicked outta my own band (i'd be the one to do it haha)
regular thing @ weed bar
didn't end up going to coco or that weed bar but some podcast in a room behind this dude's house
i didn't like that fancy one
the mic itself looked so nice but ghetto as fuck
my camcorder might be terrible or maybe it was the room itself
i think about experiences that i am so grateful for
now i know who i am hahaha
legit funny is weird when you have vagina
really another one
they're still annoying cos they're a woman
literal trance! people have told me i have balls, so that's pretty cool
misogynist dudes...we still won't fuck a woman tho so we win
black people unless they act white
trance! gays...christians hahaha
white liberal women, beat that shit folks
it's well rounded in these crowds
only a couple people can handle this channel and one of them is shane bianchi
work on yer stuff don't waste yer time on somebody else's shitty "art"
my book is the best book no wait
the definition of best is number one, amy
the Bible is the best book and then it's my personal book after that
read Ecclesiastes again
Wisdom of Sirach can't pronounce nothin
it's better to read a buncha stuff all at once to go along with my confetti brain
don't even attempt to focus
not gonna take pills all to focus or whatever, just figure out how to work with it rather than against it
reading is quite valuable tho
most people wanna be entertained, reading takes a lotta work and requires effort and thinking
it's hard for me too yawl

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