Search engine suppression

2 years ago

6 different search engines either stoping and can’t go passed 100 articles and or the articles start repeating at roughly page 10. Just wanted to share . Very scary they are 100 percent suppressing information. If someone thinks they are looking up the truth and have done their homework I find that hard to believe not that they haven’t done their homework but if they found the truth or not because these articles are exactly what big tech wants you to see. if you see a lie enough or hear a lie enough that lie becomes truth and it doesn’t matter what anyone says because that lie has been told so much . Share with people make your own idc this needs to get out . If you look up chocolate chip pancakes it will do the same thing but on controversial stuff like mRNA causes blood clots it will be more extreme articles disputing that truth and it will have more fact checks then repeat those articles sometimes just in a different order. I made this for a friend I can redo this if quality needs to be better let me know in comments. God bless you all .

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