Humpback whale spent an HOUR! around my boat but hits it only once. Full video coming soon

2 years ago

I’ve been going on my boat whale watching for few years now and what happened yesterday became a one in a lifetime experience for me, my kids and my former wife Alex. Humpback whale approached us and spent a whole hour swimming and rubbing around my boat, surfacing parts of its body, flapping tail and fins. (Only hit boat once! And put a bend on bow railing with its fin). At first we all got scared of this huge body appearing right next to the boat, my younger son began to cry. I was scared a bit too, not going to lie, but starting the engine and trying to leave was not smart as I was afraid to startle whale and make things worse, also possibly cut it with prop. So it was no choice but to go with it and hope the giant won’t harm us. About 10 minutes into the show we begin to trust the animal. This is clip is just a fraction of footage I have. I am working on making a full video but it might take me a while to edit video from two cell phones and underwater footage from GoPro.

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