BB Versus Airsoft Full Auto Fun Video 3 Top Pick

2 years ago

I have another Full Auto Fun Video this one focusing on 4.5mm Steel BB Versus 6mm Plastic and which one is better in terms of accuracy and shredding power. I perform this super scientific test by shooting obviously in full auto two comparable Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft Rifles at a paper target setup 20 feet away with a magazine as a backer so I can see what the accuracy is like and how much of the paper magazine gets shredded by each ammo being tested.

I have split this video into three separate videos, in video one I compare two similar AR styled rifles, a CO2 powered Blowback 4.5mm BB Rifle to a Gas Blowback 6mm Airsoft Rifle. In video two I compare two AK type Blowback Rifles to each otters, again a CO2 4.5mm Steel BB along with a Gas 6mm Airsoft.

And lastly in Video three I compare my top picks for each category which include a non-Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine gun to an AEG 6mm Airsoft Rifle.

In this video (Video Three) the Airguns being used are the Original Baikal Drozd CO2 BB Machine Gun and the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 AEG Airsoft Rifle.

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