Divided Loyalties or Godly Loyalty

2 years ago

Our world is characterized by partisan strife and struggles for power between competing factions in governments, business, and religion. But for those who claim to be Christians Paul reminds us that we have been called to freedom. We have been given freedom from lies and the bondage of the selfish nature to embrace the role of 'our brother's keeper'. God has called us to love our neighbour with an unselfish concern. Jesus, our true Shepherd exemplified this sacrificial love in leading his people.

Jesus, in his message to the people at the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah) made a clear distinction between two types of leaders. The hirelings who are self-concerned embracing the culture of death and having little care for those who follow them, and Jesus who came to bring abundant life for his followers. This message resonated with the people who were well versed in the history of the Feast of Dedication and the competing rivalries that subverted the people of God.

The history of the time of the Maccabbees as prophesied in the book of Daniel has many parallels to our present age. It was a time of divided loyalties, of intrigue and political instabily, of lies and deception. So it was difficult to know who, if anyone, was caring for the real needs of God's people. Paul and Jesus both refer back to those historic events as types of a future time in which the political situation will make it nigh impossible to know who is speaking the truth. They warn us to be prepared and to know where to place our trust.
Do you know the advice they have provided for us who live in fractious dangerous times?
Watch the video to learn more about history and prophecy that will impact our future.


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