1 year ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 12/10/22

Being taught by the Father…. The power of love

The Book of Revelation proves to be no mystery…provided that we remember its three fold division and interpret it in the light of Daniels last Vision…the 70 weeks prophecy until the Restoration of Israel.

Chapter 1 (let us remember there is a special blessing that accompanies the reader, hearer and keeper of things Written within it) The vision of the heavenly Temple prepared for our present times. Chapters 2 and 3 give to us the career of the ‘Church’ on earth up until the 70th week of Daniel. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the preparations in the invisible 1st heaven for Christ’s investiture of King of this Realm and His administrating the Judgments of the Last Week of Daniel. Chapters 6-18 reveal the wicked condition found in this Last Week. Foretelling of judgments by which those who corrupt the earth shall be destroyed, while the remnant of Israel and the remaining part of the Church passes through the purging of the Great Temptation and Jacobs trouble. The seals, the seventh which includes the seven trumpets; and then the last trumpet sounding is developed into the 7 vials in which the final wrath of God is finished. Chapters 11-14 are parenthetical inserted to provide details related to the first 3 ½ years and second 3 ½ years, in the placing of the two Witnesses of God, the first-fruits offering and harvest of the Faithful along with Vintage Wrath of God. The manifesting of the Anti-Christ and False Prophet from among the dead, the horror related to his ruling. Chapter 16 documents the vials of wrath. The seventeenth Chapter 17 give the long history of the Woman and the connection with the Anti-Christ beast. Chapter 18 describes the fall of restored Babylon. Chapters 19-22 give the Visible return of the Lord to this Earth, the final destruction of His enemies, and the setting up of His Millennial Kingdom. Followed by a short season of loosing satan from the Abyss, followed by the his and the Earths populaces last judgments. The prophecy closes with a description of the heavenly City of Jerusalem.

Jesus Revelation given to John is divided up into three time frames; what just was seen by him, and then …those things that are, which Christ revealed personally to John…and those things which shall be afterwards or hereafter.
Those things that are, are set forth in the first three chapters of Revelation. The things that are started with the inauguration of the Church which is to say; the Nation of the One New Man initiated by the Holy Spirit through Paul’s separating declaration in approximately 62AD while in Rome Acts 28:28. That from then forward Israel as a Nation corporate was officially rejected as it relates to the future inheritance of ruling with Jesus the Christ from the heavenly sphere of this Earth, and henceforth He would no longer consider the ‘saved’ as a part of the Commonwealth of Israel, to be a part of their future inheritance (which would have been both an earthly and heavenly ruling inheritance). But now those ‘saved’ in Jesus would uniquely be set apart as a New Nation (matt21:43). A people called out for the Father to be another First Born son, a people called to be the Sons’s Bride….And that primarily from the Gentiles. So it is this Nation and the things that are then begun with Acts 28:28 up to 30 years before Johns writing down the Revelation.
It was is then that the Dispensation of Grace and Mercy extended to all mankind in the calling out of a ‘saved’ people exclusively into the Nation of the One New Man unto a conditional inheritance with Jesus in the heavenly part of His Kingdom in this Realm to come in the future.

This present Dispensation ends during those things which shall be afterwards or hereafter…the end of this Dispensation of grace and mercy in its intended purpose being completed during the 7 year period, transitionally moves from grace and mercy, briefly back through the Law of Moses into the dawning of a new Age; the Millennial Kingdom of righteousness, in the establishing of Israel in the New Covenant (hebs8). The transition begins with the unsuspending of the unfulfilled prophecy of the 70th week of 7 years of Daniel. And with the Judgment Throne being set up in the unseen heaven of this Realm seen in Revelation Chapter 4. That is to say when Jesus the High Priest intermediary comes to this Realm’s heaven to take His investiture as King, take up His first-fruits and Harvest offerings unto the Father and administer God’s final judgments upon Israel, the Gentile Nations and satan and his forces. All that must happen before Jesus reveals Himself to His Jewish Brethren and all will be accomplished in this Seven year period (His revealing of Himself to the Jews will be like unto that of Joseph, who after having revealed them to their selves, he revealed himself to them). Wherein individuals and events over that prophesied designated final seven-year period according……..

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