MSR Canister Stove VS ? Canister Stove. Which one is better, Which one boils faster. Read below.

2 years ago

If your living on a fixed income, what do you do? Yes you want the best of the best, but, is the brand names always the best? Sometimes you just have to do what you can to get by and purchase items that you can use day to day. If you can't afford Canadian or US made items, you may have to look elsewhere! Example an item can be cheaper in the US then anywhere else in the world, but, you have to look at the TOTAL cost. Yes shipping from the US into Canada is VERY expensive. I know, believe me I know! I even have US friends that came very close to not wanting to ship items to me because of the heavy cost associated to shipping. One more IMPORTANT thing to remember and that is Import / duty charges. This alone can be just as much and or more then the shipping cost altogether.

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