A closer look at the white orb (watch full screen and keep your eyes on it!)

2 years ago

Zoomed into cloud activity around white disc to reveal blinking lights in its vicinity. Easier to see if you watch full screen and only watch the white circle! For those of you following the thing that keeps being caught by the sun (and has been called planet x, two suns, sun simulator, synlight, a hologram, the reflection of the sun in clouds).. this is what you're seeing and its surrounded by the same blinking lights you would see on any man made object we put in the sky.. i will be uploading more videos soon showing two bodies.. (this thing and our ORANGE sun) (radio on in background unrelated to video). I had to shift camera down and then refocus it on the sky because it kept losing focus so once that occurs look for the white circle again. You'll see clouds being drawn around it and aircraft lights by it. This is not the eclipse that we just had..this was during summer a couple years ago. Is this one of those great signs and wonders being practiced?

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