Because Ye Belong To Christ, by John R. Caldwell, Fundamental Error and Scriptural Discipline

1 year ago

Writings by John R. Caldwell
Plymouth Brethren Writings.
Series: Because Ye Belong To Christ
“Because Ye Belong To Christ”
Or the Mutual Responsibilities of Believers.
Pickering & Inglis, Printers, And Publishers.
London: S. Bagster & Sons, Limited, 15 Paternoster Row, E.C.
New York: Gospel Publishing House, 24 West 22nd Street.
The addresses of which the following pages are, for the most part, revised notes, having been originally delivered at considerable intervals; the reader will find certain repetitions which otherwise might have been avoided.
But as these were with a view to emphasizing important points, they may prove rather helpful than otherwise to the ordinary reader.
Even since the completion of them, events are more and more evidently converging toward a great crisis, and it behooves the believer to be trimming his lamp and girding his loins in order to be ready for whatever may be in store for us. “The Coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”
“For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in My Name,
verily, I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.”—Mark 9:41.

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