My Message for Joe Rogan

2 years ago

Joe - Please reconsider having Trump on your podcast. There are no guarantees that it helps him. More importantly, there is profound historical significance to such an appearance. Our nation is at an inflection point. We will likely never again get an opportunity to have that type of discussion with a former president seeking to get back to the White House. Additionally, now that the Twitter Files have emerged, getting a glimpse of things behind the scenes in our government, censorship, the marriage between government and Big Tech - it's too important to ignore. Please reconsider this decision.

I'm running for President as a write-in candidate, for the 2024 election year. Yes, it's possible to win the presidency as a write-in candidate. I am a resident of Florida, with no party affiliation. I am a combat veteran. I believe in God. I believe in our founding documents. I believe in the People. I'm tired of waiting for someone like Thomas Sowell to run for President. He doesn't want the job. There are no secret groups of super patriots that are going to save the nation from ruin. We the People must do it. I intend to do it from the White House. You don't have to put respect on my name. You don't even have to say my name. Just write it down - on your ballot. Charles Todd Sullivan

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