Oxford council seem to be planning some daft 100 minimum zone trip system

2 years ago

Oxford council has some daft idea about making you have only 100 trips around the city in your car. Why do we have to get up each day to read yet another council having some plan to make your life hell because they have some daft ideas that they believe everyone else should be forced to comply with. Who the heck do these council people think they are? This is some rubbish about making you only go to different zones 100 times a year so if you work in a different zone you may as well quit your job now. Sod you if you have children at schools in different zones. Of course presumably they expect a painter who has a van full of gear to carry it all on the bus. I am into green stuff, but I fail to see how this nonsense does anything worth spit. I cycle but also have a car because I have dogs and taking them on a bus is impossible. Also if I need to go out at 2am to my friends because she is Ill what bus do I get? And you need a mortgage to go on a bus these days. Not to mention the last thing I want to do is get on a bus with the druggy dross that use them and have fights. And I believe my car is still better for the environment than those huge busses driving all evening with no passengers. Well I guess Oxford is another place not to go to so the business will end up closing as tourists avoid the place. And what makes me suspect that Oxford will bring in some charges such as you have to pay to do over 100 trips. And what makes me suspect that the 100 trips will be 50 then 10 as time goes on.

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