Boone Cutler – 5th Generation Warfare

2 years ago

Boone Cutler is a combat veteran. His job was PsyOps, psychological operations. This means his task was to influence people in and around the battlefield. The only way to do this job well is to do it directly, on the ground and expose oneself to danger. The better you are at the job, the more dangerous it gets.

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Boone has co-authored a book called. The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. He and General Michael Flynn.

A portion of the blub from Boone and Gen Flynn's book.

"Information regarding the war of narratives being waged on our minds doesn't stop with The Guide. Inside The Guide is a special QR code that takes the reader to a link that is continually updated so that the reader can get up-to-date perspectives on fifth generation warfare related to current news topics in our communities, Big Tech-titans, social media tactics, artificial intelligence manipulation, and national and international political events. The up-do-date information provided via the special QR code inside The Guide comes from Flynn and Cutler at no cost to those who purchase it. The Guide is five by five, easy to carry, and written in a way the average person can understand. Buy The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare and get the free updates now so that you can understand the manipulation happening around you and explain why you feel the way you do."

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