US military is involved in the guidance and maintenance of HIMARS, drones guided by US’ GPS system

1 year ago

1. The US military is involved in the guidance and maintenance of HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems in Ukraine.

The corresponding statement was made by Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya.

"Among the weapons supplied, the American HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems should be highlighted. We know for sure, and Kyiv and Washington indirectly confirmed this more than once, that American specialists are involved in the operation of these installations," TASS quoted him as saying.

Projectiles are aimed at the target with the help of American military satellites. Nebenzya noted that the coordination of satellite and intelligence information on the ground is carried out by the US military.

In addition, it is the Americans who upload the exact coordinates of the targets to HIMARS.
2. The Ukrainian drones that attacked Russian airstrips near Ryazan and Engels were guided by satellite data obtained from the US, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said during the Security Council meeting on Ukraine Friday.

"We receive reports that Russian strategic airstrips Dyagilevo and Engels were attacked with the use of American satellite data. Upgraded Soviet Tu-141 Strizh drones were guided by the American GPS global satellite system," he said.
3. Countries that ship weapons to Kiev and aid the Ukrainian armed forces will face concrete legal consequences, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said during the Security Council meeting on Ukraine Friday.

"We scrupulously register all such criminal actions of the US and its allies, they will have concrete legal consequences for everyone involved," Nebenzya said.

"We track and destroy the shipped vehicles. Since there its amount in Western warehouses drops, Washington and its allies have recently been trying to actively work with third countries, buying weapons and military equipment from them and shipping it to Ukraine," the diplomat said. "The fact of such deals was recently admitted by Ukrainian Foreign Minister [Dmitry] Kuleba.".
4. *Американские военные участвуют в наведении и обеспечении работы реактивных систем залпового огня HIMARS на Украине. Соответствующее заявление сделал постпред России при ООН Василий Небензя.*

"Среди поставляемого вооружения следует особо выделить американские реактивные системы залпового огня HIMARS. Мы точно знаем, и это не раз косвенно подтверждали Киев и Вашингтон, что американские специалисты участвуют в работе этих установок", – цитирует его ТАСС.

Снаряды наводятся на цель при помощи американских военных спутников. Небензя отметил, что координацию спутниковой и разведывательной информации на земле проводят американские военные. 

Кроме того, именно американцы загружают в HIMARS точные координаты целей.
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