Daniel and Revelation . Saturday 3rd Dec,2022, Brother E. Rainney 10 am

1 year ago

Youth instructor Sept 1903 Paragraph 2
The sins of the world lie at the door of the church or God's people.
Daniel 2 vs 31 the image vs 35 iron Rome, the clay. the brass, Greece silver, Medo Persia there is a kingdom of clay between the iron and the brass.vs 45 iron, brass, clay, the silver. Dan 7 5 Bear 3 ribs Medo Persia, earthly kingdoms represented by an unclean animal. the mouth represents law Gen 3 14. dust refers to the earth. Great Controversy Chp 25 pg 441, he speaks with the mouth of the dragon,
and horns represent the character, USA has 2 horns for civil and religious liberty, Democracy Daniel 7 vs 6 leopard-like beast represents ancient Greece.

Babylon gave us the principle authoritative government. the king made the laws . Autocracy 1 person making all the decisions. eg the minister says something it goes. ministers were not to sit on the church board. the role was to be a servant (minister)MR 9:17.1 pastoral ministry 262.4
Medes and the Persian government believe in Autocracy with the supremacy of the law. yield their conscience to the law.
Greeks gave us the same government Lucifer wanted the rule of the majority should stand. democracy. the minority must go along with it. eg vote on women elders in the church. eg, crucify him.

love your enemies. stay out of politics because you are not in my party i do not like you and we do not like people from other parties or denominations,
joseph love the Egyptians and Daniel love the Babylonians
Religious and civil liberty
Catholics have catholicism we have a church manual.
we want the government to fund our schools so the government will take charge.
We made the state to take charge and approve our marriage.

Romans gave us the principle the loyalty to the state yield your conscience to the govt that's why they can send men to war.
Papacy gave us Rev 13 1-3 sands of the sea GC pg 49 CHP 3 The papacy came from the church. apostasy occurred in the church, The mystery of iniquity from the blended man-made customs in our church worship.
you were supposed to be a role model for the world not criticize the world.

Gods people decided to blend all the earthly principles and have the papacy.

Manuscript 63 1899
God's sacred work is represented by the feet of the image. Daniel 2 36 feet and toes and potters clay vs 41 miry clay. thou art the potter and I am the clay,
Jeremiah was thrown in the miry clay, the clay kingdom that was associated with setting up God's kingdom. Daniel 7 5 3 decrees Ezra 1 Cyrus king of Persia 1st degree set up the house of Jerusalem DOA the kingdom of God is at hand,
A kingdom was established when Christ died, the kingdom of grace on this earth which is not the church. the kingdom of heaven to the rep, the kingdom of grace.
Rev 12 3 the woman is not in heaven yet. the red dragon and his tail drew Isaiah 9 8-13 head is the ancient and honorable and the tail is the prophets who speak lies.

GC Gods law immutable CHP 25 pg 449 rev 12 3 dragon 7 head 10 horns,
rev 12 9 casting to the earth, satan as cast down of heaven before earth was made. Satan believed that he represented us to God's council because of Adam sinned. The dragon can either represent Satan or the Papacy.
Gc 19 and chapter 25

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