Attorney Todd Callender (November 15th)

1 year ago

Source: Rosary making for missions

The interview is 2 hours & 44 minutes but I cut it at the first 57 minutes just as Dr. David Hartsuch entered the conversation. To watch the whole thing the link is up above.

Attorney Todd Callender going to court on November 18th to find out if vaccinated humans are OWNED by the patent holder as the US Supreme court decision in 2013 seems to suggest.
Are the vaccinated (mRNA shot) still considered Homo Sapien?
Hear his oral argument given on November 18th 2022: Robert, et al. v. Austin, et al. (28 minutes)

They have been experimenting with mRNA shots for 20 years. 8 years ago they did a mRNA clinical trial on 200,000 people where there are apparently only 5 of them alive today. According to one of them, every single one of them had their hearts stopped. Todd is reaching out to talk to this guy. Randell Elliot Burton.

We are in the middle of this transhumanist movement. HIV protein in the shots that shut off your immune system to get the lipid nano particles into the cells.
1.1 million US citizens have died in hospital homicides. Midazolam was used for COVID19 in hospitals as it was listed as a COVID PROTOCOL and it is the same drug they use to execute death row inmates with.

Todds site with 15 lawyers help people learn how to file their own lawsuits for free.

THEY can not govern without our CONSENT and we don't have to give them our consent and we can opt out of that system and invalidate it. In the 1994 UN Cairo population accord (A Depopulation accord in reality) 196 countries agreed that they needed to take 7 billion people off the face of the planet. This is GLOBAL GENOCIDE and was agreed upon ALL the countries.

45:30 mark- EPCR (C459001) Military used as guinea pigs for the Pfizer mRNA experiment. This EPCR device from INSIDE of their bodies was giving LIVE DATA through their CELL PHONES and the data went back to Israel and then sent back to the FDA and US Military (Todd mentions the 16 digital MAC ADDRESSES that people are discovering on their phones since the VAX roll out). Hydrogel is being used for ALL injectables now. Without disabling our immune system our immune system does a tremendous job fighting these things off (Substances in the vax).

48:08 CHLORINE DIOXIDE (1 of the 6 Anti-Parasitic drugs) does a tremendous job stripping off the TRANSISTORS & NANOBOTS in the vaccinated persons body. Charles Lieber learned how to atomically weld atomic transistors onto the lipid nano particles and turn them into semi autonomous bots. This is all hooked into the 5G system where different signals (frequencies) do different things. Activated charcoal also works (Zeolite).

Part of Todds daily routine is taking a pinch of BORAX and BAKING SODA twice a day. Todds says CHLORINE DIOXIDE cured his CANCER in 30 days! Uses ACTIVATED CHARCOAL religiously. Todd goes with the things that Dr Lee Vliet research's and endorses. NAC and GLUTATHIONE.

Todd says there are about 100 lawyers in the USA fighting this and there are not enough of them. We got into this situation by relying on lawyers and doctors and not thinking for ourselves. We all just gave it away and now is the time to take charge of your health and know your rights & legal process etc...
57:15 Dr David Hartsuch joins the conversation.

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