Mystery of the Masks - Lilith, Spirit of Jezebel, Spirit of Wickedness

1 year ago

The subject of the ancient pagan demon-goddess who was worshipped by Queen Jezebel, has been discussed a great deal in the last few years.

But there are hidden secrets in the Bible which are not often seen, but the Lord said to Jeremiah, call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know.

Indeed, I walked many years not knowing my right hand from my left, nor did I have discernment of spirits.
Then God helped heal my spiritual blindness.

One of the foremost scriptures that opened a door to a new avenue in my calling was 1 Corinthians 10, in which Paul the Apostle reveals that all sacrifices made to pagan gods are sacrifices to devils.

This new understanding was stunning, and it opened my eyes to see the tremendously negative effects of the pagan demon-gods on our culture's past, but much more so in the present day.

The demons mentioned in the bible have all been worshipped at one time or another, in all nations, under various guises.

The Book of Enoch is a valuable source of information about the Watchers, the Nephilim and how they began to roam the earth after the flood, taking various forms, seeking worship of themselves.

Who is Lilith and why is she portrayed as the devil's mistress?
Was she Adam's first wife? No, this is an old wives tale and not backed up in scripture.
In the Book of Zechariah, Lilith (called Ashtoreth by Jezebel's people, the Midianites) was captured by an angel and called 'Wickedness', when Zechariah asked who she was.
Lilith was taken by her two escorts, Witchcraft and Wantonness, to Shinaar, or Babylon "where a house will be built for her".
There, she was known as Ishtar.

But where is she called Lilith? In the Tanakh bible, in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 34:14. Isaiah describes the coming desolation of Edom, and how "the lilith will find rest for herself". He says she will hatch out owls under her wings, and there, satyrs (goat-like demons) will call to one another, and she will be among jackals.
In other words, Edom would be desolate, uninhabited, therefore, the Lilith could no longer cause trouble there.
Yet she has caused much trouble wherever she is worshipped.
Known as the goddess of a thousand masks, stripping them away
is the basis of the film.

Women under the influence of Lilith are afflicted with one or more negative traits.
Is there someone you know whom you must 'walk on eggshells' around?
Is she controlling, a dominatrix, manipulative, anti-family, argumentative, prone to hissy fits?
Lilith literally teaches her victims how to get their way in steps.
Usually, seduction is the first weapon, then pouting in silence, then arguing, threats, storming out, separation, and divorce.
In the worst case scenario, Lilith employs thoughts of murder, just as she persuaded Jezebel to plot the death of Naboth, whose vineyard was coveted by Ahab.
If you are suffering an oppression by this evil spirit, seek the help of a Christian deliverance pastor, or priest, or exorcist or reverend.
Do NOT seek the help of psychics, mediums, reiki masters, shamans, crystals, dreamcatchers, etc.

Lilith is also a Spirit of Abortion and the consort of Baal-Moloch.

Planned Parenthood has a fund set up to help poor women obtain abortions, and it is called the Lilith Fund.
They know who Lilith is, the author of Feminism, as do Wiccans and pagans, but many Christians are not as informed.
This film has many new revelations about this demon-goddess.
I hope you find this film informative and helpful.
Much spiritual warfare was endured in the making of this film.
I would appreciate all positive prayers.

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