2 years ago


1.Golden Pheasant - Male golden pheasants have a golden-yellow crest with a light tinge of red at the tip. The face, throat, chin, and the sides of neck are rusty tan. The wattles and orbital skin are yellow; the ruff or cape is light orange; the upper back is green and the rest of the back and rump is golden-yellow.
2.Hyacinth Macaw - Hyacinth macaws are the largest of the parrots and, as their name implies, are covered with bright blue plumage. They have bare yellow eye ring circles around large black eyes, a yellow chin, a strongly hooked beak and zygodactylous feet (2 toes that point forward and 2 toes that point backward).
3.Flamingo - It has a very long neck, long pink legs and webbed pink feet with three toes. It has a large hooked bill with a black tip that is curved down. Males and females look alike, although the male is a little larger. The flamingo is a filter feeder and it is uniquely adapted for feeding.
4. Northern Oriole - Medium-sized, sturdy-bodied songbird with a thick neck, long legs, and pointed bill. Adult males have an entirely black head and back with an orange rump and orange outer tail feathers.
5. Rainbow Lorikeet - The Rainbow Lorikeet is unmistakable with its bright red beak and colourful plumage. Both sexes look alike, with a blue (mauve) head and belly, green wings, tail and back, and an orange/yellow breast. They are often seen in loud and fast-moving flocks, or in communal roosts at dusk.
6. Keel-billed Toucans - The keel-billed toucan is a large bird with mostly black plumage and a very large multi-colored bill. It has red and white coverts under and on top of its tail, green skin around the eyes and lore (the area between the eyes and the bill), a yellow face and throat, and blue legs.
7. Painted Bunting - Adult painted buntings can measure 12–14 cm in length, span 21–23 cm across the wings and weigh 13–19g. The juveniles have two inserted molts in their first autumn, each yielding plumage like an adult female.
8. Peafowl - Peacocks are a larger sized bird with a length from bill to tail of 100 to 115 cm and to the end of a fully grown train as much as 195 to 225 cm and weigh 4–6 kg. The females, or peahens, are smaller at around 95 cm in length and weigh 2.75–4 kg.
9. Stork-billed Kingfisher - It is a very large kingfisher, measuring 35 cm (14 in) in length. The adult has a green back, blue wings and tail, and olive-brown head. Its underparts and neck are buff. The very large bill and legs are bright red.
10. Green Wing Macaw Parrot - This macaw has a white, naked face, striped with small red feathers. The beak is strongly hooked and the feet are zygodactylous

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