Morning Musings # 347 On the Subjectivity Of Supernatural Experiences With Jesus (Tulpas & Egregors)

1 year ago

#renegademusings #jesus #christianity #supernatural #supernaturalpowers #egregor #imaginaryfriend #imaginaryfriends #christian #bible

I would have never imagined that part of my #spiritual #purpose would be to dismantle Christianity and dismantle Jesus. I mean who would have thought? And initially of course, initially it began with working through my #hurt .

Working through the #religiousabuse that I sustained from the Bible and from Christianity and from #fundamentalism . But now I am no longer speaking from a place of hurt or wounding, now I am speaking and sharing from a place of #consciousness , #expandedconsciousness .

This is actually a #universal #mission and I am not the only one with this message, but this message is universally appearing everywhere and that comes with the gained #awareness and consciousness of #oneness with the absolute ALL which we call #god . So when I speak of Jesus now and keep kind of sidelining Jesus, because in reality we have to be intellectually #honest here without the foundation of Christianity there wouldn't be a Jesus. Christianity as a whole is faltering it's falling.

And it will not be able to sustain itself, the entire #foundation upon which Christianity was built is a foundation of #guilt #shame and #condemnation and that is not anything to do with God Source. So it is a faulty foundation and without the fundamentals of Christianity Jesus basically has no purpose for being. Jesus has no purpose to be maintained. Every one of us that claims a #relationship with Jesus can only and is only doing so within the framework a #psychological framework of Christianity that was laid.

Every one of us here in the western world were entrained in this flawed foundation and then of course some type of relationship with the #savior Jesus was established and maintained. But try to hear me, by holding on to your relationship with Jesus... I mean I'm not saying you have to give it up. I am just sharing my conscious awareness and insight if you want to go there with us all right.If you want to maintain your relationship with Jesus you are giving #validity to the back story of Christianity which is based in guilt shame and condemnation, do you want to keep on validating this?

Without the guilt shame and condemnation if that was not our foundation there would have been no need for Jesus and no need for the story of Jesus dying on the #cross to #forgive our #sins the whole story is bogus. But do you want to keep on validating that and seeding that into the minds of people? How long do we want to perpetuate this story?

Once we let go of the story, the narrative which is a false narrative (I am bold enough to say it) it is an erroneous false narrative and without that narrative Jesus may as well never have existed. I know this triggers people, but Jesus only exists in Christianity you know.

#yeshua the man that was part of the essene group in qumran, that is another person that we know nothing about. Your relationship with Jesus was not based on that person, because that information was censored. So psychologically we did not have that context to create a relationship with that entity, which would have been entirely different. So I don't know if this makes sense, but I don't intend to offend but I am here to share the #light and the awareness and the Consciousness that I am being given and I'm meant to share that out to others. And if you see me in the future continuing to diminish Jesus and the role of Jesus, this is the explanation why. Do we want to continue to give the narrative of Christianity validity as "truth" when in fact it is error?

The way Jesus has been understood and the the way the message around Jesus has been created is a false story. If we would have known the sayings and the teachings of the of Yeshua of the Essenes we would have had a different relationship to the man. We would not have had to embrace him as a #messiah , #lord or #savior and ended up #worshiping him. That is what derailed #humanity and took the focus off seeking within ourselves, our own #soul and essentially worshiping your own soul which is the Divine Essence of Source God.

But we have been drawn away from our own soul in pursuit of a historical person that was sold to us as Savior and Lord and King, that doesn't match the story of Yeshua. So that is why I keep speaking out against Christianity and the persona known as Jesus, because outside of Christianity we would not know Jesus and we would not need Jesus.

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