Ingen restaurant vil tilberede så lækkert kyllingebryst! Lækker kyllingebryst opskrift! #75

2 years ago

No restaurant would cook such delicious chicken breast! Delicious chicken breast recipe! Simple and easy chicken breast recipe! This recipe my grandmother gave me. Delicious chicken breast recipe! The chicken breast is juicy and tender! I love this recipe. This is an incredibly tasty and simple recipe that anyone can handle! The whole family is happy! Delicious and easy! Try this simple and very tasty chicken breast recipe today and write in the comments how you like this recipe.
recipe and ingredients:
3 chicken breasts
Hello friends
Salt pepper
2 cloves garlic (crush)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
Fry the chicken on both sides until done
Set chicken breast aside
Remove the garlic from the pan
1 medium onion
5-6 cloves garlic (chopped)
sliced ​​mint
Add 1 tablespoon butter
Fry the onion until translucent
Saute garlic for 10-20 seconds
120 ml chicken stock or water
1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
Add chopped mint
120 ml heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Salt, black pepper (to taste)
Cook until the sauce thickens slightly

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