Zionists did 9/11- The Forbidden Connection

2 years ago

(17s- 4:13) The MOSSAD Israelis "URBAN MOVING systems incorporated" van on the side had a picture of a plane crashing into the WTC! (A picture of this!!!). Dept of Transportation Minister NORMAN MINETA noted a paneled truck/van was stopped on September 11th 2001 that had a painting of a plane flying into the WTC with middle eastern men who did not speak English but later found out it was an innocent delivery truck. 3rd confirmation is the audio phone call describing the Urban Moving Trucks 9/11 picture on the side.

The Israeli's moving truck for their fake "cover story" moving company URBAN MOVING where a mural painting on the side of their trucks with a PLANE crashing into the NYC WTC buildings!!! These people are ARROGANT!!!



(4:14- 7:30) Larry Silverstein (Jewish Zionist) buying the WTC towers 7 weeks (And buying$$$ LOTS of terrorism insurance just in case a 747 crashes into one of his newly acquired buildings) before the attack and admitting they had to "PULL" the 3rd WTC building 8 hours AFTER the first 2 went down (9/11 didn't go exactly as planned). All the JEWISH ZIONISTS involved in KEY positions.

(7:31- 8:57) The great conspiracy researcher Bill Cooper (1943-2001) in the 1990's explaining with all his research that at the very HEART & CORE of all these secret societies is the JEWISH KABBALLAH which is the ancient Jewish mysticism. A method of encoding information through a system of mathematics and numbers. The Kabballah information is the most ancient knowledge man has ever possessed and kept secret to a few who have proven themselves WORTHY through the process of INITIATION. This knowledge was there LONG before the Jews came along but they just TOOK IT & PRESERVED IT and passed it down. The story of Jews and freemasonry. Victor Thorn wrote about their involvement in 9/11.

(8:58- 12:16) Dr Alan Sabrowsky interviewed on March 15th 2010 explaining that Israel was 100% behind the attacks on 9/11 and saying if the American people ever come to understand this... then those people are HISTORY!

(12:17- 14:06) Former Israeli leader Ehud Barak interviewed on BBC the same day as 9/11 attacks. He says they don't know who did it but he believes it was OSAMA BIN LADEN (Their favorite BOGEY MAN).

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