Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 12.08.22

2 years ago


FIGHTING CELL TOWERS, NUKE POWER & FASCIST FLORIDA We’re headlined on our GREEGREE #119 zoom call by the great JULIE LEVINE, one of America’s leading activists on cell tower / 5G radiation.Julie has long, painful personal experience with the damaging health effects of electromagnetic radiation from cell phone technologies.She’s joined by DOUG WOOD, a top NY-based researcher and writer on what EMT is really doing to us all.Based on Long Island, Wood has helped pioneer our understanding of how fiber optics could and should do a far better job of transmitting those cell phone signals without health impacts.We then switch related issues to be joined by renowned journalist KARL GROSSMAN who elaborates on his latest piece warning that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is about to kill regulation for small modular reactors.A legendary pioneer in the No Nukes movement, Karl warns that the NRC may want to allow nuke reactors to be built inside towns, with no human operators or security guards.  

Issuing their deliberations from inside a padded cell, the NRC is also poised to green light extended operations at the Diablo Canyon Nukes, where TATANKA BRICCA fills us in ON the latest developments.
DENNIS BERNSTEIN OF KPFA / PACIFICA’S “Flashpoints” show chimes in on the insanity of a new $1 billion military aircraft of mass suicide.
As for Fascism in Florida, CAROLINA AMPUDIA and WENDI LEDERMAN inform on the sorry state of the Sunshine State Dems….not to mention the outright dictatorship of Ron DeSantis.  STAY TUNED!!!

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