Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha By Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib - English Translation - Letter 64

1 year ago

#suntv #nahjulbalagha #nahjulbalaghaenglish

Replying to Mu`awiyah.

Certainly, we and you were on amicable terms, as you mentioned, but differences arose between us and your own self the other day when we accepted belief (iman)while you rejected it. Today, the status is that we are steadfast (in our belief) but you are creating mischief. Those of you who accepted Islam did so reluctantly and that, too, took place when all the chief men had accepted Islam and joined the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his descendants).


You have stated that I killed Talhah and az- Zubayr, forced Aisha out of her house and adopted residence between the two cities (Kufa and Basra). These matters are none of your concern, nor do they involve anything against you. Therefore, no explanation about them is due to you.

You also state that you are coming to me with a party of Muhajirun and Ansar, but hijra came to an end on the day your brother was taken prisoner. If you are in a hurry, then wait a bit as I may come to meet you and that will be more befitting as it will mean that Allah has appointed me to punish you. But if you come to me, it will be just as the poet of Banu Asad said: “They are advancing against summer winds which are hurling stones on them in the highlands and in the lowlands.”

(Remember that) I still have the sword with which I dispatched your grandfather, mother’s brother and brother to one and the same place (Hell). By Allah, I know what you are! Your heart is sheathed and your intelligence is weak. It is better to say that you have ascended to where you view a bad scene which is against you, not in your favor, because you are searching a thing lost by someone else, you are tending someone else’s cattle and you are hankering after a thing which is not yours nor have you any attachment to it. How remote your words are from your actions, and how closely you resemble your paternal and maternal uncles who were led by their wickedness and love for wrong to oppose Muhammad (h), consequently, they were killed as you know. They

could not put up a defense against the calamity and could not protect their “safe haven” from the striking of swords which abound in the battle and which do not show weakness.

You have said a lot about the killing of Othman. You must first join what the people have joined (i.e. allegiance) then seek a verdict about (the accused people) from me and I shall settle the matter between you and them according to the Book of Allah, the Sublime. But what you are aiming at is just the fake nipple given to a child in the first days of weaning. Peace be on those who deserve it.

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