📡 CON Vs CHEM trails ✈️

2 years ago

Contrails or "Vapour" Trails do NOT drip - If just exhaust from 4 Engines WHY are there often 6 Trails ?
Contrails do not linger for hours - spread out in to a thin Haze Layer of Fake cloud - then glow at Sunset / Sunrise .
CHEMTRAILS sure do - drip - linger - spread out - have Frequency Ripples in them - mix with the real moisture and either build a storm or stop one. ( google HAARP ripples or NEXRAD ripples in the clouds )
I remember the contrail you see in this video as a kid... you coldnt see the plane.. there was a small trail and it was gone..

Dont talk about different temps and pressures... that has NOTHING to do with it when the Spray from these planes turns on and off.. for no reason.. at PERFECT plotted points - from planes that are far too high to be landing flying back n forward over the cities they want to flood out for the smart cities and high speed rail line between brisbane and melbourne australia. ( And California fires too )

Weather Warfare is simply.... control the weather by 2025 military document .. Open to public .. to drown out enemy - destroy crops - food supply - power and fuel supplies too... heard the sheeple out the farms being sold off to overseas interests... push the sheeple in to the smart cities... full 5 G automatic fridges... more lazy and dependent on the system now... IF the sheeple werent scary enough now...

Telsa Cars speeding up and self driving themselves at 150kmh with no way to stop it..
power in your smart home goes out -- can you open your front door - garage - gate etc.... some houses go in to lockdown... hahaha
Imagine being locked in your own house by your government ..... by a click of a button.... Still liking that 5G connectivity ??? hahahah

The SHEEPLE fell for the lockdowns... and masks and convid plandemic .. I didnt.. and those that didnt.. still waiting for a QUICK . genuine sorry.. ( dont even have to say you were right ) ..
Just say SORRY and you remember what happened.. and DONT let YOU become part of that BS ever again...
then we can all move on and have this new Amnesty of course the evil ones put out through the media...
To the vaxxed.... just forgot the last couple of years... maybe we were right maybe not.. lets just say nothing.. and all agree to move about about talking about the PLANdemic that DRs and TV people should go to JAIL for spreading this huge depopulation agenda...
Even those voiceover people on the radio ads that said it was safe and effective.. THEY CHOSE for MONEY to sell their soul and read a script that is Conspiracy To Commit murder - and Murder if anyone that heard that ad died from the clot shot... They should all be taken away and put those Fake CONvid PLANdemic "Health" prison camps they built..

Everyone on the PROJECT... every radio DJ from Mardo and Margo... hahahah your husband likes football and we can say mardo and margo... youre not fired.. old.. ugly .. simple... you will read any old BS... you're perfect for Triple M brisbane....
LOCK EM ALL UP--- for at least 2 years .. for being part of the biggest hoax and mass worldwide de-population trick....

SO IF !!! IF we let these SHEEPLE with now after YEARS of them talking absolute nonsense - dribbling SH!T like children - turning in to petty - disgusting - braindead !idiots ( Family members - partners - friends - workmates )

It was embarrassing- and demoralizing - pathetic ... to see these proud - smug - ignorant - arrogant loved ones turn in to #TrustTheScience... Oh youre anti v@x.. bla bla F@kn BLA .... trying to back up "The Science" with NOTHING BUT BULLLLLSHIIIIIITTT...

they never got how Sad it was that THEIREGO got the better of them and we were only trying to warn them.. and the WHOLE ANTI-V@X Agenda was put in place in their tiny little brains YEARS ago...

When they SAT down to eat... when they drove alone in their own car with a mask on -- that will make you sicker -- increase CO2.. less 02.. your immune system is in serious trouble already..... You seen the video on THIS playlist..... hit the name of the playlist up the top left...
She put a CO2 meter under her mask and it beeps realllly quickly and goes to a serrrrriously dangerous level soon after that...

I have NEVER NOR WILL wear a face nappy diaper - sign of the slave - sign that YOU HAVE SUBMITTED to the media and the government's BS.... they created the F@KE problem..

YOU BEG them to help ???? That DONT ever use the C word.... CURE.....
Yet you sheeple for a 99.9% survivable common cold.. with a F@KE death toll.... which the tin foil hat person you owe an apology too.. probably told you... and now that FIZZER have just stated in court they never tested it to stop transmission ????
WTF was all that F@king protect others.... no I cant hug you .. you cant come to Xmas Lunch... that YOU ALSO fell for.. if you did .. F@KING SHAME ON YOU ... for listening to that HORSE .. chomping at the BIT.. stamp twice for Yes NATALIE BBAARRRrwwWRRRR ( horse noise)
and that LAME.. un-funny- puppet- auto que script reading - X-boring as bat Sh!t Financial guy that comes on and is not funny.. no charisma - NO BRAIN IN HIS HEAD.... they make KOCHIE host ?????

SWITCH IT OFF !!! If you watch THE PROJECT, ANY MORNING brainwashing.. ad filled.. paid advertisement - brainwashing .. programming you to THINK a certain way..

I FEEL SAD FOR YOU !!! If you enjoy thinking like those !diots and utter M0r0ns on the morning TV shows & THE PROJECT ( FAILED by the way F minus- pack up .. off ya go.. project OVER )

!!!!! the FAKE WEATHERMAN.... that cuddle a koala or go on a thrill ride for 4.5 mins and do a quick whip around the nation for 2 mins..... then back to the come on down to the brissy markets this weekend to meet the football team players... DDUUUUHHH
These PUPPETS you think that soft little B!tch of little boy that just wanted to be on TV is going to tell you about the huge man made storm they are whipping up to hit in three days ??? No they show you today and sometimes tomorrow.. if you are lucky.. but a NATION wide whip around... they tell you whats coming ???

WHY ???? do they can set up they precious outside broadcast and get all the people crying and flooded houses --- caused by a purposeful GEO-ENGINEERED storm .. sent BY the people that OWN Australian and OWN the Australian Government ( registered on the US stock exchange with a file number and SHARE HOLDERS that are taking most of our wealth away from us.. )
NOT TOO MENTION the mining companies that are R@ping our land and paying F@CK TAX.. and the government giving THEM money ?? WTF ?!?!?!?

WAKE UP NOW.. or you never will...... if you fell for the CONvid PLANDEMIC.... PLEEEEEASSSEEE for everyones sake.. dont fall for the next one....

Project bluebeam - project cloverleaf.... FAKE !!!!! FAKE !!!!! man made.. alien "contact" first ... Arrival " invasion... maybe " attack".... but to get us all to unite against a common enemy to bring in ... you guessed it.. .the well planned NEW WORLD ORDER..
One world government
One World Currency
One World RELIGION !!! hahah the pope kissing the muslim leader already .. not a good sign... and the pope SAYING... all religions need to unite....
My money's on CHRIST-LAM is something like that.. BWHAHAHAHAH Robbo Da Yobbo Dec 2022.. lol

SWITCH OFF THE BULLLLLSHIIIIT tlel -lie-vision... the Degradio..... cause that ALLLlll they do on the stupid braindead radio shows Degrade each other... callers... famous people... etc... they are the DREGGS of the Earth... morning radio DJS and the drive home ones are just as bad...

OH YUUUCKK.. the WORST show on the radio YUMI SWINES & "shh It's KATE Dontlooke" ... oh that shrieking - whinny - talking about their annoying kids and the stuuuuupid sh!t they do.. then laugh at themselves.... it's horrible..... not funny at all.... the Sheeple's brains are being turned to mush...

THE PROJECT was a bunch of D-grade-= going no-where... has beens before they started nobody radio DJs... getting together and trying to do a show on serious topics....
they lie - they brainwash - they distract with REALLLLY unfunny.. bad timed... just not funny at all " punchlines" .. totally scripted.. rehearsed and STILL not F@King funny --- how is that possible ??

You ever think you guna here KOCHIE or the PROJECT PUPPETS -- say the words GEO-ENGINEERING /. HAARP // Chemtrail .... or even MAN MADE CLOUD..... ( love that they needed to make up NEW CLOUD NAMES !!! ahhahaha One even means MAN MADE CLOUD)

You really think those controlled useless puppets are going to tell you about Weather Warfare ??? hahahah If you have been tricked by these nobodies.. there's no hope for you....
but stop making fun of those with facts - figures - patents - government website links stating they are spraying the clouds... lol

Just go back under your Bridge TROLL... stop being a keyboard warrior.... Just go trust the science that KOCHIE is telling you.. BWHAHAHHA

and leave the thinking and understanding science and the weather to the grown ups that still have a brain....


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