Viktor "Merchant of Death" Bout Is Free. Brittney Griner Is Free. U.S. Marine, Paul Whelan Is not...

2 years ago

The shorthand story of how the President of the United States, @JoeBiden, chose to swap out #brittneygriner over U.S. Marine, #paulwhelan to Russia for #viktorbout also known as the "Merchant of Death."

Viktor Bout supplied hundreds of thousands of weapons all over continental Africa to warlords to kill countless people, yet I see black Americans using Griner as some form of black symbol for being freed for breaking the law.

#joebiden 's advocacy in this matter and the constant drumbeat that she was illegally and wrongfully detained, leads one to the only logical conclusion based on HIS framing of this international incident.

There should be an automatic release of all nonviolent, marijuana offenders in prisons across the U.S.
Meaning: Possession convictions, weed under a certain amount, should all be back up for re-sentencing (time served) based on the administration's declarations.

They will not do that because this is not about black people.
This is not about "people of color."
This is about America's obsession with intersectional celebrities and leftist, celebrity status which allows them to do whatever they want and operate above the law as long as they express disdain for this country.

Instagram, Twitter, & Rumble: @OtitamSpeaks

Clip sources:
@60minutes Overtime, coverage of the capture of Viktor Bout
#thewhitehouse Press conference on U.S. Russia prisoner swap

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