Detransition & Deprogrammed : Influencer Oli London Has Woken Up to the Need to Save Our Children

2 years ago

Detransition & Deprogrammed : Influencer Oli London Has Woken Up to the Need to Save Our Children

Influencer Oli London is perhaps best known for his multiple surgeries totaling more than $300, 000 to fully immerse himself in "K-Pop" (Korean Pop) His journey has been well documented through reality TV and social media -garnering him millions of followers - even as he decided to transition to from a British man to a Korean woman. But he says all of that has changed now after finding and accepting Jesus Christ as his savior. The LGBTQ mob is after him now with hate and threats, but he says he's not going to stop sharing his testimony and new mission. London says he's horrified with the Satanic agenda targeting children. He's hoping to raise awareness and protect our youth agains some of the same indoctrination he once fell victim to. Hear his thoughts on free speech, the Balenciaga scandal, and his experiences with Christians who've heard his story.

Kristi Leigh TV

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