A homeless chap or rough sleeper if you use pc words) has died in Manchester

1 year ago

A homeless chap or rough sleeper if you use pc words) has died in Manchester. Reading the article his dog is safe with one of his relatives. The truth is being homeless this way is complex and those involved may have drug or drink problems or mental health problems. My solution would be to change the law so you can section these people in order to get them medical help and off drug or drink dependency. It would also mean that such places should also take peoples pets too as often we see people turning down help because such places refuse pets. When I was a student nurse I remember one person who had learning difficulties who had been abused as a child would often go live on the streets. He had been given a 4 bedroom house with garden, yet because of his mental health from abuse felt some comfort by going back to the streets and found thought being abused by others was some form friendship. However I was told because of human rights laws we could do nothing. It was often frustrating. Indeed another person with learning difficulties had been left over £300k by his parents in a will, and a charity had got him to sign it over to them as he thought that is what you do to be kind. Again we could do nothing as the law apparently meant he was free to do this even though in my opinion the charity had stolen the money and his parents had clearly left it to him for him to live and have a decent life, and not to be simply given to a charity who had knocked on his door and told him to sign it over to them if he wanted to be a good person. But I have little interest in councils talking a lot of talk about how they aim to help homeless or should I say rough sleepers (as most seem more interested in using the correct pc latest words than doing anything worth while). There is clearly few votes in helping the homeless and presumably they see pretending to care about LGBTQ+ stuff is clearly in these peoples minds a better bet for getting votes.

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