Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha By Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib - English Translation - Letter 47

2 years ago

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For Imam Al-hasan and Imam al-Hussain (x) When (`Abd

ar-Rahman) Ibn Muljim (the Curse of Allah be upon him) Struck Him Fatally with His Sword

I admonish you (both) to fear Allah and not to hanker after the (pleasures of this) world even though it may run after you. Do not be sorry for anything of this world that you may have been denied. Speak the truth and deed (in expectation) for [the divine] reward. Be an enemy of the oppressor and the helper of the oppressed.

I admonish you (both) as well as all my children and the members of my family and everyone whom my writing reaches to fear Allah, to keep your affairs in order and to maintain good relations among


yourselves for I have heard your grandfather (the Holy Prophet [h])

saying, “Improvement of mutual differences is better than general prayers and fast.”

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view with regard to orphans. So, do not allow them to starve, and they should not be ruined in your presence.

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view with regard to your neighbors because they were the subject of the Prophet’s advice. He went on advising in their favor till we thought he would allow them to inherit them.

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view with regard to the issue of the Holy Quran. No one should excel you in acting upon it.

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view in the matter of prayer because it is the pillar of your religion.

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view in the matter of your Lord’s House (Ka`ba). Do not forsake it so long as you live because if it is abandoned, you will not be spared.

(Fear) Allah (and) keep Him in view in the matter of jihad with the help of your property, lives and tongues in the way of Allah.

You should maintain respect for kinship and spend on others. Avoid turning away from one another and severing mutual relations. Do not give up bidding for good and forbidding from evil lest the mischievous gain positions over you, then if you pray, your prayers will not be answered.

Then he said the following: O sons of `Abdul- Muttalib! Certainly I do not wish to see you plunging harshly into the blood of Muslims shouting that Ali ibn Abu Talib has been killed. Beware! Do not kill on my account except the one who kills me.

Wait till I die by his (Ibn Muljim’s) existing stroke. Then strike him one single stroke for his single stroke and do not dismember the limbs of the man, for I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying, “Avoid cutting limbs even though it may be those of a rabid dog.”

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