Did FBI really screw Aaron Carter?

2 years ago

Aaron Carter explain what #FBI agents asked him to lie about #MJ for 💰 but he rejected their dirty offer!

His mother in law in another clip talks about how perpetrators threw dead birds on his porch and leave poop at the back of his door - and threatened to kill him and his child!

US agents especially the FBI agents run fusion centers worldwide! They use the wrongful smearing campaigns to single out and drive a person out of a community and turn the community against the victim with so much lies and falsified accusations

I have a personal experience dealing with #FBI contracted agents smearing campaigns, home invasions, dead insects/birds thrown into my way. Animal poop placed behind my door so many many times!! Eversince 2018!

The Latino FBI agents in Brazil believe that US maintains the world balance! 🐑 🐏 ?

They damaged my room paintings, fridge paintings, and damaged my wooden objects and also my window and floor and my chargers and turned my electric system dirty ⚡

The US Agent one day asked me to say "i hate Brazil and Brazilians" when i asked why he went on saying how terrible things they did to me. He then said, either say you hate Brazil/ians or you go to a mental hospital by which he meant the constant brain radiation and electronic harassment through the voice to skull technology as known as #v2k by the targeted individuals

It's been really hard to sleep as they use their contracted perpetrators inside #ufsm dormitory to make noises in order to sleepdeprive me which i have a catalog of it in bitchute.com/RohullahMojaddedi 👈

Also hard to study because they brainfog me with #EMF attacks taregeting my brain lobes.

US agents are diabolically insane and work 24/7 to destroy careers, lives, families and relationships with the abuse of this tech and their perpetrators in their organized crime ring.

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