The Big Reset The Movie That Explains it All the PCR Test is the House of Cards

2 years ago

The PCR Test is the whole house of cards, it can not detect a virus, it is a lab tool and has been rigged to produce false positives to give the caseloads. The plandemic is based on planned lies to the world, an orchastrated event to take over the world and kill off the populations and control the rest as microchipped slaves. And now the shots are murdering millions. We the people must stop this and not allow the shots to continue, Please demand the shots stop. tell your pharmacist he is a murderer , tell them all. Your neighborhhood pharmacy is a death site not unlike a gas chamber. They are death promoters with each shot given. The W.H.O. and W.E.F are criminal cabals as now is the U.S Military who is in charge of the shots killing us off. The United States of America has been taken over and every government person is a traitor. Treason is rampant, murders are rampant, babies and children are now targeted and are being murdered. When will it end? When will you get involved and demand the shots be stopped and those held resposonsible for crimes against humanity?

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