Thriving on High-Quality, Ethical Foods from Seven Sons Farms

2 years ago

“All life begins in the soil, and it translates all the way to human life and human health,” said the soil agronomist whose nutrition advice helped Blaine Hitzfield’s mother find life-changing relief from crippling arthritis.

Farmers have a significant role to play in the health of society, and as the CEO of distributions at Seven Sons Farms (and one of the seven sons!), Hitzfield understands this well. He’s come to appreciate the value of healthy soil in growing healthy food, which has become his mission.

Tune in to explore:

What’s produced by and offered at Seven Sons Farms
What CAFO is and how it works
How rotational and adaptive grazing reflect ecological principles
Why feedlot animals have been bred to have small rumen capacity
Challenges and lessons learned at Seven Sons Farms over the years

Interested in learning more?

Press play to hear the entire conversation, and check out Pasture-raised Meats & Organic Groceries - Seven Sons Farms for more info.

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