Celine Dion announces she has the rare STIFF PERSON syndrome 💉

2 years ago

Source: I put these 2 videos together showing Celine Dion & Justin Biebers injuries

Celine Dion got injured after receiving the EXPERIMENTAL GENE EDITING INJECTION and quietly announced she was canceling her singing tours due to that so I have been waiting for her to come out and announce what she has and she finally did. For the rare STIFF PERSON SYNDROME it is a 1 in a million chance they say. We have all seen those other vaccine injury videos where their arms seem to go as stiff as a board as they continue TWITCHING on the ground.

Justin Bieber (and his gf/Clots) also got injured after the EXPERIMENTAL GENE EDITING INJECTION canceling his singing tours as well.

They say Justin Bieber has RAMSEY HUNT SYNDROME and Celine Dion says she has STIFF PERSON SYNDROME and we have SADS or SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME.

All these syndromes we know is from the EXPERIMENTAL GENE EDITING INJECTION yet they put all these label and syndromes without addressing the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM causing it. I tried to put a comment on youtube under this video and the YT AI sensors immediately deleted it.

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