Distro Monday 37: 4M Linux, Mint 21.1 Beta, and Kali 2022.4

2 years ago

DM 37.1 – 4M Linux Updates
4M Linux is one that I covered a few months ago. It’s a lightweight, indie option which runs Joe’s Window Manager (JWM) and emphasizes just 4 things:  
• Maintenance (system rescue Live CD),
• Multimedia (full support for a huge number of image, audio and video formats),
• Miniserver (DNS, FTP, HTTP, MySQL, NFS, Proxy, SMTP, SSH, and Telnet),
• Mystery (meaning a collection of classic Linux games).

They just released a new update, so let’s take a look at that:

• Linux 6.0.9
• Mesa 22.1.4
• Btrfs and Syslinux Support
• Filezilla
• XPaint & GNU Paint to augment GIMP
• CLI Utility for NVME drives
• New small games
• Audacious is now the default audio player
• Lots of other good stuff.

Take a look if you need something light, but capable.


#distromonday #4mlinux #lightweight #updates #Linux #TechFreedom

What is prayer? Is it some mysterious, religious thing? Well, yes, and no. It is intended to be an intimate conversation between you and the Lord. Not something to tick the boxes for human beings so that you seem holy or something. It is not a religious thing, it is a conversation with your Father, your Abba. A conversation with your Lord and friend. Don’t simply report things (He already knows them anyway), but invite Him into them. Give Him permission to be present in your every moment. Prayer is meant to be an unending dialogue with God, where we share our hearts with Him, and listen to His heart for us and His world.
#distromonday #stjohnchrysostom #intimacy #prayer #churchfathers #memesplanation #TechFreedom

DM 37.2 – Minty Fresh Beta for Mint 21.1

This release is all about the latest and greatest with the Cinnamon desktop, in version 5.6.

• No icons on the desktop by default
• No more “show desktop” applet by the app launcher
• New Corner Bar Applet replaces that functionality and adds more
• Lots of stuff under the hood to make Cinnamon more stable and lightweight for your enjoyment.

#distromonday #linuxmint #Linux #cinnamon #beta #TechFreedom

Freedom Consultation

Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that. This is a FREE 90 minute call with me, where I will demo some varieties of Linux for you, some replacement apps, talk about degoogled phones, and give you links to how to start the process of taking control of your digital life online as well.

#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free

DM 37.3 – Kali Linux Updates, Now With PinePhone Support

New from the Ethical Hacking Distrotm . Kali is not really meant to be a daily driver, unless you are a white hat hacker, doing pen testing and other forms of legit security testing or research.

What’s new here?

• Freshest Xfce, GNOME, and KDE desktops
• Linux 6.0 Kernel
• Official PinePhone support
• Lots of tool updates that I don’t have a grasp on
◦ Bloodhound.py
◦ Certipy tool for Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
◦ hak5-wifi-coconut user-space driver for USB Wi-Fi NICs and the Hak5 Wi-Fi Coconut (for testing wifi security, I suppose)
◦ ldapdomaindump Active Directory information dumper via LDAP
◦ Peass-ng privilege escalation tools (for achieving exploits on systems you are testing)
◦ Rizin-cutter reverse engineering platform
As you can perhaps see, this tool is getting ever more useful in the hands of legit professionals, to protect the rest of us from their less-than-ethical counterparts which tend to operate in gangs and often extort people and organizations for money.

#distromonday #kalilinux #whitehats #ethicalhackers #security #Linux #TechFreedom

Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.
#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab

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