WARNING: Distressing Footage Shows Medical Kidnapping Of Baby Will In New Zealand

2 years ago

6-month-old Baby Will urgently requires surgery for a heart condition. Due to his condition, Will’s parents requested that the blood used during his operation be from donors that did not receive the experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

Will’s parents took it upon themselves to find donors of the correct blood type who were not vaccinated, and who were approved for pediatric blood use according to the requirements in NZ Blood’s clinician’s handbook.

Unfortunately, the efforts of baby Will’s parents were met with opposition. Before midnight local time Thursday (Dec. 8) night, Will was removed from their hospital room by five uniformed police officers.

Moments ago, Zeee Media shared this distressing footage showing the medical kidnapping of baby Will.

Original Video:

See Also:

Save Baby Will Website:

Update On Baby Will: New Zealand Court Rules Doctors Will Give Baby Vaccinated Blood (12/08/22)

The Kiwis Took The Baby (James Roguski - 12/07/22)

New Zealand Court Takes Custody Of Baby Will (Steve Kirsch - 12/07/22)

New Zealand's Baby Will Update: December 1, 2022

How New Zealand's Baby Will & His Parents Are Being Persecuted For Wanting To Use Unvaccinated Blood

Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood?


Statement On The Case Of Baby Will In New Zealand
By World Council for Health
December 8, 2022


Update (8 Dec 9 pm UTC): The family reports that just before midnight local time Thursday night, Will was removed from their hospital room by five uniformed police officers. He is currently in the PICU awaiting the operation that was scheduled for 8 am local time (7 pm UTC).

The World Council for Health (WCH) stands with the parents of baby Will, all those keeping vigil in New Zealand, and those standing up for Will around the world.

Will, born July 2022, urgently requires surgery for a heart condition. Due to his condition, baby Will’s parents requested that the blood used during Will’s operation be from donors that did not receive the experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

Because this information is not typically tracked during donation, Will’s parents took it upon themselves to find donors of the correct blood type who were not vaccinated, and who were approved for pediatric blood use according to the requirements in NZ Blood’s clinician’s handbook:


World Standing Up for Baby Will

For days, crowds have gathered in New Zealand to show support for baby Will’s family.

Unfortunately, the efforts of baby Will’s parents were met with opposition and a resulting saga that delayed the surgery has now boiled over into an unimaginable situation in which Te Whatu Ora, Health NZ, Te Toka Tumai applied for an order under urgency for baby Will to be placed under the guardianship of the court. This will ultimately result in the use of blood likely affected by the mRNA injections.

Te Toka Tumai, as the medical specialists, are appointed as agents of the court for the purpose of consenting to surgery and related medical issues. The parents are otherwise appointed as general agents of the court for all other purposes. They will be consulted and informed and their views will be considered at all reasonable times, provided there is sufficient time. However, as the parents’ lawyer stated, the clinicians have dismissed the parents’ concerns up to now, have imposed strict orders on their and baby Will’s movements, and the relationship between the parents and clinicians has suffered.

Despite available donors, supportive doctors within New Zealand, and warnings of cardiac issues after mRNA injection from Medsafe’s website, the organization tasked with ensuring that medicines in New Zealand are safe, the judge has trampled the rights and wishes of baby Will’s mother and father and devastated their loving family.

In his judgment, Justice Ian Gault stated that the parents’ proposal is not supported by peer-reviewed articles, yet the affidavit submitted by Dr Byram Bridle references a peer-reviewed article by Bansal et al. showing that spike protein is found on exosomes in the blood for at least four months after the second Pfizer injection. Covid-19 injections remain experimental and giving blood containing these experimental vaccine products to an infant is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.

All people have the right to choose non-mRNA vaccinated blood, not least for their children. The decision to remove Will from his parents’ care is unconscionable and sends a chilling message to all New Zealanders about the State’s overreach and blatant disregard for the rights of parents to make their own informed decisions about their children’s health and well-being.

WCH calls on the government of New Zealand to reverse this decision immediately. Had Will’s medical team simply followed his family’s wishes, Will would be safe at home with his family where he belongs, recovering from surgery. Instead, he is in the hands of a willfully blind governmental agency, Health NZ, that puts its unscientific ideologies before basic decency, common sense, and parental rights.

To learn more about the concerns of using blood from vaccinated donors, read this November 30 press release from NSDSOS.

Supporters are asked to gather at Auckland Hospital on Friday from 10 am – 12 pm. Supporters can also express their concerns by contacting the Minister for Health, Hon Andrew Little, and Associate Minister, Hon Peeni Henare, responsible for NZ Blood.


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