Silent War Ep. 6277: Brazil Civil War? EuroFamine, CA Criminalizing Dr's, Butt Plugs In Schools

2 years ago

In this episode of The Silent War:
Canada: B.C. Advances Law That Will Jail Doctors for ‘Misinformation’.

Germany Orders Farmers to Slash Fertilizer After Dutch Government Shuts Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals.

The Majority of Americans Doubt the Integrity of Our Elections and the Numbers Are Growing After 2022 Election Fiasco.

Developing: Brazilian Military in “Firefights with Commandos and Marxist Guerillas”.

“Publicity Stunt”: German Police Conduct Largest Raid Since 3rd Reich in What They Claim Was ‘Attempted Coup’ - attempting to reinstate the Monarchy?

US Government Mulling Transfer Of Internationally Banned Cluster "Death" Bombs To Ukraine - Which has recently been caught using such bombs on Christian children.

Project Veritas: Elite Chicago Private School’s Dean of Students Brags About Teaching “Queer Sex” to Minors and Giving Them Butt Plugs.

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