Channel Introduction - Are You Watching Closely ?

2 years ago

This channel exists to document OUR journey in leaving the Matrix.

At least, the first of many…

Everything is connected… at first you see the individual dots, these events…. they’re all so far away and seemingly unconnected, and yet, your instincts say ? Something is off…

You begin to see some faint connections, and this is usually the furthest people get, but I promise you, underneath, it’s all one image, you just need to look harder and closer.

There is a lot that we as a people have forgotten, but there’s even more that we choose not to see and not to remember. The most influential factor is lies. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ve spent a majority of your life completely unconscious. You’ve believed the lies they fed you. They betrayed your trust, but you’ll see and hear more about that later.

You are a part of a greater consciousness, you already know all of this, I’m just going to reveal it to you.

Lay bare the patterns, the connections…..

This channel is logos.

The only questions is

Are You Watching Closely ?

Sound and geometry are more important than those in power would have you believe.

We bring you two kinds of content.

To celebrate the gift of sound, we create consciousness awakening music, tuned the natural frequencies of the earth, excellent to work or meditate to.

In celebration of geometry and mathematics we explore the numbers, connections, the patterns…. one chapter at a time.

Soon all will be clear.

We are The Observer.


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