A virtual evening with Food Forest Abundance's CEO Jim Gale

2 years ago

Tonight is the night!

If you've been interested in learning more about Food Forest Abundance, how we can help you become more self-sufficient with your food and save $$$ while doing so, then you'll want to tune into tonight's call with Food Forest Abundance's CEO and Chief Storyteller, Jim Gale.

Jim will also be talking about our designers, the design process, and our professional cooperative installers. He'll showcase some design examples that our team has designed, so you can see the depth of detail that we place into the designs that clients purchase from Food Forest Abundance.

You'll also be able to hear about the new projects we are working on, as well as opportunities for you to get involved in helping other people grow food while creating a profitable business in the process.

We have so many amazing things to share with everyone. See you all tonight!

December 8th at 8pm Eastern (Canada & US).

Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85201641312?pwd=OXkrYTUrRDcxQTNkeUJFQmdGcDdHUT09

Meeting ID: 852 0164 1312
Passcode: 711515

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