Grinding For Early Winter Steelhead In Michigan

2 years ago

This was just after the cold snap that started early winter steelhead fishing in Michigan this year. My first 3 or 4 attempts for steelhead this season failed before I got one here and one there and this is tho one I got here. Low water all around the state of Michigan has been a problem this season and although its not as bad now after some snow and melt off the fact of the matter is that this is a low water season and I have had to adapt my techniques to get a bite!

Float fishing for steelhead is the best way to fish this time of year and steelhead fishing with beads is a proven technique that catches steelhead and trout all year round but winter steelhead love beads. Winter steelhead fishing Michigan rivers means its time to break out the jigs and beads and keep the presentations subtle because these fish are just hanging out lazily taking convenient snacks that float by while they wait to do the thing they came to do. When it comes to river fishing for steelhead you got to think like a fish and know what they are thinking but more importantly make as many casts as you can cause eventually you will present your bait to a fish that does not say no to a free snack! Steelhead beads just don't get turned down by steelhead. I have on multiple occasions used a double rig with a spawn bag being turned down in favor of a bead. A steelhead fishing bead is more subtle than the average spawn bag and I believe it more naturally replicates what they would find in the river. A single steelhead or salmon egg floating down river is a more likely situation than a cluster of overly scented eggs. Sometimes however after no luck in a spot with beads making a switch to spawn bags or jigs can seal the deal on a picky fish that had a different snack preference. I over time have grown to me more confident fishing a bead under a bobber for steelhead than any other technique. I catch a good amount of steelhead on spinners but I definitely catch way more steelhead float fishing. The nice thing about float fishing for steelhead is you can use a million different baits and lures all with the same setup and presentation. Steelhead jigs can be hot and Steelhead beads always work. I have caught steelhead float fishing minnows under a bobber. Run out of minnows and just switch to a night crawler or plastic worm. Steelhead Float fishing is not a lot different than fishing for crappie or bluegill in my opinion and I know people who float fish for walleye in the river. The thing steelhead, crappie and walleye have in common is that subtle presentations like float fishing work well for them all because grabbing an easy snack is not the same as getting a reaction strike from a spinner or crank bait. You got to bug me a bit to get a reaction but I always want a snack even when I am not actively feeding... So remember when you are river fishing for steelhead in winter your goal is to use the subtle presentation of float fishing to gently deliver a subtle but tasty snack right to the steelhead wherever they are... In my opinion the most efficient way to deliver a subtle snack is with a long float rod and a centerpin or baitcaster reel. It is hard to beat a 13 foot 6-12 lb float rod and remember stiff rods=BAD

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Centerpin Steelhead Fishing,
Winter Float Fishing,
Steelhead Fishing,
Steelhead beads,
steelhead bobber down,
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Michigan Steelhead fishing,
Steelhead fishing Michigan,
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Michigan fishing,
Bead Fishing For Fall Steelhead,
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steelhead fishing grand river michigan,
Bloop beads,

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