#Free China 加油 (Jia You)!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Brand New!!! Sermon Rap Video by KING BULLETHEAD #Free China!!!!!!

Lyrics posted Below:

zhongguoren ziyou shi Nimende renquan! shen gen nimen zai yiqi! yong bu fang qi! Jia you!

If you trust the State, look at China child it's always the same
Tyrants fighting, tyrants killing, tyrants ruling the game
They come to power promise you riches, power, freedom and fame
If you swallow these lies you'll leave disgusted and stained 

Stained with anger, regret, depression, fear and anxiety too
Because as they get more power they play the system on you
Inside trading, bribing, blackmail, and assassinating's their tools
Love or hate em get in their way you'll take a bullet or two 

In the blackness, they access killers with praxis for murder 
And kick your door down with flashbangs, ARs, strobe lights like a burglar
In the midst of the terror they scream "hands up, get on the ground!"
Your innocent family sees you beat up, & gunned down 

Sorry sir you disobeyed the mandate sent from above
I'm just doing my job trying feed the ones that i love
I'm really sorry sir you died its nothing personal
I'm just a mindless storm trooper doing what I've been told 

But what if what you are doing is against the purpose of man?
I know you gotta feed your family but you are slaughtering lambs
You lied to us about the virus, lockdowns, banning and jabs
Why should we trust you when you treated us like rats in a lab? 

Shut up, obey & stay locked in your house until we say!
Our higher ups have issued the mandate and their word is the Way 
You cannot question the orders or you'll be charged with obstruction 
Obstruction of our randomly made laws is capital punishment 

This is injustice! Y'all are making crazy illegal laws
They're unscientific, unjust, unfair and not rational at all
You told us two weeks of control to save our neighbors and friends
Now you welding doors shut to see how much we will bend 

But after 3 long years of all these lies and abuse
We wont comply with these orders hell no! y'all hang by a noose
We want freedom from you tyrants no more lies but the truth!
Cause all we've got is our freedom because our God is the root! 

Jia You! People of China! Freedom's a gift from God
Without freewill we could never love Him and the States all we got
from Christ's blood we're forgiven, love our neighbors and friends
And forgive those who hate us curse us mock us till the end

Jia You! People of China, Freedom's a gift from God
Without freewill we could never stand up to these tyrants and frauds
fight between good and evil, God will always prevail
Armed People with Godly morals' the only thing that won't fail 

In the end we don't serve man or bureaucrats or the State
We serve the lord God Almighty and to him do we pray
We speak to God directly through our prayers the Creator of all
When you pray to the Lord, demons really get small 

It's in that hour, we get power and get showered w truth
Our Father who is in Heaven gives His Spirit for food
Only He is our power, our joy and spirit to push on
Cause the evil hordes are waiting in the night that is long 

They are dying and trying, destroy our will to resist
But God through Christ has defeated death its through Him we persist
His love and Spirit burns with passion in our hearts fervently 
The world needs the Rod of Iron to face the devils till they flee
Jia You! People of China! Freedom's a gift from God
Without freewill we could never love Him and the States all we got
From Christ's blood we're forgiven, love our neighbors and friends
And forgive those who hate us curse us mock us till the end

Jia you! People of China, Freedom's a gift from God
Without freewill we could never stand up to these tyrants and frauds
Fight between good and evil, God will always prevail
Armed People with Godly morals' the only thing that won't fail!


Producer: Shigeru Tashiro
Videography/Editing: Shindeuk Moon

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