Objects That Fly Up From Earth Captured on Starlink Launch - April 29th 2022

2 years ago

Every now and again, I'll go back to the SpaceX youtube page to check out the latest launches happening. They launch quite a bit of stuff into the sky, and they have a video stream where they share the videos to their YT page, which has grown 4 million more since I started paying attention to them.

When I first started watching SpaceX Starlink launches, the video was raw, and there was absolutely no time delay. Since then, they've started time delaying the live feed, and switching cameras more often, to avoid any kinds of things from being picked up on their live broadcasts. Either way, it still has not stopped me from finding some interesting things, but has certainly reduced the amount of interesting things being captured.

While there are a lot of people out there, who will claim all this stuff being recorded, to being debris in space floating around as well as debris, fuel and ice, coming off of the rockets ( which there certainly are quite a lot ) the one thing I find most fascinating about these couple captures I'm showing you in this video, is that these objects, appear to be leaving the atmosphere, and are travelling up from lower altitudes, going further up high. Meaning, to at least me, these objects aren't debris falling down, or debris travelling around the Earth, but something, going from lower elevation, to out of our atmosphere. ( shoulder raise and shrug ) I'm sure someone much smarter then myself, will put forth ideas of why I'm wrong, but for me, based on what I just mentioned above, these are more curious and harder to claim as being some kind of debris, ice, or otherwise.

Source Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skNrXnubpwA

I scrub videos from the SpaceX launches to see what kind of interesting things can be found. I can’t download them at any higher then 720p. Should that be possible, then the quality would improve but at this time, given the stuff I use, this was the best copy I could download in order to scrub through the video.

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