The Angels Song By Buddy Lee Lewis

2 years ago

Original Music By Buddy Lee Lewis. Angels are real. I touched her wings. I have Divine interventions with spiritual beings. Always be the light

Angels are every where. I see them everyday. They are amazing and beautiful. Ask and you shall receive. Treat others like you would like to be treated with love and respect. Respect yourself. Put down the cell phones. Stop the couch potato dance and insert into nature.

Everything has a vibration. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of the light. Everything is energy. You are of the light. Now glow. Let your heart glow. Put your ego in the closet and lock the door. Now glow and touch her wings like I have. I am just like you. You are just like me. The only difference is I believe. I know. I think with my divine heart. My heart has never been wrong but my ego is wrong all the time. Got the same problem? Now believe and feel her wings.

Try do not. Do.

Listen to these songs and feel them. Feel them with your heart and glow. Glow your light my brothers and sisters. Glow so bright that all will see.

Am I asking you for you for money? No. I dont care about money. I am asking you to glow with love. How much is that worth? Now share your love. Feel her wings now?

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